Saturday, March 29, 2008

Character response

So, last class we were supposed to research a type of person for the debate, and imitate their opinions and give a reaction to Pride. Unfortunately, I was horribly sick and had to miss that. But the “person” I had to imitate was an anti-war activist. I think the main part of the book that they would react to is the end scene, when the American soldiers kill the lions and the ignorance they display about the situation. One soldier lies about the actions of the lions, for example – he says that the lions charged at the soldiers and that is why they killed them, but this is in fact not true; Safa only roared/started toward them after Zill had already been shot (representative of the first strike by Americans in Iraq). I also think that the statement by one of the soldiers at the end that the lions were “free” would also cause a reaction by anti-war activists. I find this to be a very naïve statement; yes, the lions were looking for freedom (although Safa seemed content with zoo life), but what was given to them by the bombing certainly wasn’t what they had in mind. Likewise, Noor, I think, would much rather have earned her freedom herself than getting outside “help.”

So...yeah. That’s what I think about that.

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