Monday, March 17, 2008

Wow. That was huge.

I can’t believe that I read the entire thing in two days. Talk about intense. But I really liked it.* And I suppose it’s better than reading Harry Potter in 23 hours (which I did), or at least much less dense than that. I was actually surprised at some of the content. I know Dan said it was for all ages in class (and I’m sure we’ll talk more about it this week), but still – I was impressed. But I think I’ll devote an entire post to that after class. But along those same lines – I was also surprised at the range of genres that this spanned (if “genre” is the right word). I mean, on the surface it was a children’s fantasy story. But it went much deeper than that and touched on some very real issues, like tolerance and duty to your family and friends – and the whole “choosing sides” issue that came up with Roque Ja completely took me off-guard. Also, not many books/movies/other media are able to get me as involved in the storyline as this one did. There were moments when I laughed out loud, or when I was so indignant/angry that I had to stop reading for a minute, etc. Overall, a very good read. I even told my best friend that she has to read it over the summer.

*Just as an aside – there really hasn’t been a book in this class I haven’t liked. Other than the writing style of the X-Men, but that still didn’t make me want to give up on the entire series or never read that saga again. It’s just interesting. I mean, there’s usually one book in a course that you hate. I guess I’ll wait and reserve judgment until the end of the semester…

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